Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wintry Weather

Yesterday, going to work in the morning looked like this:

Today (with a 2-hour delay because of suspended train service) it looked like this:

We've had our share of snow this year.  I think it's been the most snow in a winter since I've been here in New York, which is almost three years.  I don't remember getting a significant amount of snow the past couple of years.  We would get a little bit, but maybe only once a season. I believe this is the third snow storm we have had... and January isn't over yet!


MMHONEY said...

We have had our share too....
I think I have a bad care of cabin fever - or maybe it is SPRING fever.
Keep yourself safe.

GregS said...

Think about making a snow angle in that. :)

I am Megan said...

Yeah!! Jump in!