Friday, July 24, 2009

Oh no!

Say it ain't so...

Freshly ground coffee... spread across the floor... a tear in my eye...

New York apartments just aren't big enough to do everything I need to do. Sadly as I was unplugging the grinder and plugging in the coffee maker, a little bump caused a chain reaction with the toaster oven and the dish resting on top of it, which slide onto the counter, sending the coffee to the floor. What a sad moment. With the help of a friend on the phone I did not scrape the coffee off the top of the pile and use it anyway. I mustered up all my will power and mixed it up on the floor before I was too tempted. Thank goodness I had all ready taken out what I needed for my one cup. And thank goodness I had only ground enough beans for 4 cups instead of 18.


Anonymous said...

Oh, You're a mess!

MMHONEY said...


Paul J. Meloun said...

Argh! My heart goes out to you, I spilled a platter of freshly grilled chicken breasts into a flowerbed a couple of weeks ago.

My dinner guests didn't see the spill.

The chicken was enjoyed by all.

I am Megan said...

Ha! A little extra flavoring, I suppose?