I am still not feeling well. I would say that about half the people I know in New York also have (or have had) this same cold, so at least I know I will get through it. I think it should be wrapping up tonight and I will feel much better tomorrow.... I hope! With all of the soup, tea, juice, and vitamins I have been taking I don't know how any germ stands a chance in me, but this guy is fighting back pretty hard.
I thought maybe it would help for me to think happy thoughts, so I present you with a collage of happy thoughts: food from Israel.

Right there in the middle I am stuffing my face with falafel while taking a break in Jerusalem Old City. Doesn't get much better than that. Oh wait, it does.... check out that hummus to the right of me. Yummm-y. And the cute latte on the other side? Love it.
On the top row I have a cart of bread and a bunch of nuts for sale at one of the small spice/nut markets. And in the right corner is an Israeli specialty I got in Jaffe (which happens to be the port where Jonah caught a ride...check out Jonah 1:3). We went to this bakery that I HAD TO go to and tried this zatar-spiced toasted bread. This bakery is super famous and you walk up and order outside at a counter. The hummus is also from a super famous, hole-in-the-wall, wait in line for the real thing kind of place in Jaffa.
Moving on... the bottom left picture is from the aformentioned place where we began the meal with 20 different salads. This is a picture of some of the salads before we completely destroyed everything on the table. The place is called El Babour and if you are ever in Israel, I HIGHLY recommend going. I also highly recommend NOT eating the day before. I, on the other hand, ate a HUGE dinner the night before and a breakfast that was "not too shabby." But the food was so amazing and such an experience that I muscled up and took it in. The portions were huge and relatively inexpensive and the chef is basically a celebrity. Love it.
Wow, I get so worked up on each picture I don't think I will ever get through it all. The next is some more fresh fruit growing on the kibbutz. Last, but definitely not least, we have a desert spread of borekas and rugelach - delicious pastries filled with cheeses and chocolates.
Enough talk - time to eat!
not too shabby.
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