Over Christmas break I ended up spending three days more than planned in West Virginia. I was supposed to leave on Monday morning, but was not able to get out until Thursday because of the snow...and I was lucky to get back when I did! New York really got smashed with a mess of a storm.
Although it wasn't planned and I was forced to do laundry, it was nice to spend a little bit more time with family in WV. It seems like I don't get to come in for more than a few days at a time now that I work a full-time job. It's much harder to get time off and take vacation days when I have responsibilities at the office. Since I take care of payroll for my department...it's pretty important for me to be there. :)
One way I spent my extra time in WV was going up to visit Mama and seeing the sights along the way. My short weekends in St. Albans don't really leave time for getting out of town too, so it was great to be able to spend the day driving up the mountain. The curvy roads make me car sick as a kid, but I enjoy the scenery now.

One stop along the way was
Hawks Nest State Park. The snowy views were spectacular and Dad had interesting stories to narrate. I love to stop and take pictures there and think about when Mom and Dad had their summer wedding there! Of course I wasn't a thought in their minds at the time, but it's fun to imagine. The mountains were really pretty covered in snow. Once my toes were froze we moved on went to visit Mama in Lookout. We talked about the old general store and looked at old pictures while warming up with a bowl of her delicious potato soup. It was great to spend time with her, but we had to leave before it started getting dark because we wanted to stop and look at the
New River Gorge Bridge. It was so pretty, but some of the overlooks were closed because of the weather. The small windy road under the bridge was technically open, but not a snow plow had even looked at it, so we decided not to chance getting stuck in a snowdrift somewhere.
Eventually I made it back to the city, but it was nice to relax and enjoy the quiet, simpler ways of the mountains.