The fall tends to be a busy time. Actually, most of the year tends to be busy. Possibly I lead a busy life. I can't believe that it is now December and we are in the midst of the holiday season, looking at the close of another year. I don't know where the time went. It feels like just yesterday that Stacy and I were huddled under an umbrella 15 blocks away from a sparkling sphere, squinting to see the globe that was to bring in the new year as it descended on masses of people.

I was fortunate during the fall season to take a few trips. Unfortunately, I was too busy to write much about them. First, I was able to spend a weekend in West Virginia. Not too long after, I went to Montana for several days where I got to hang out with Ben, Jen, and little Joel, who is quickly becoming 'not so little' anymore. He could be pretty wild at times, but all in all is a super cute kid. I enjoyed reading to him, but he would read the same book over and over...and over... I would think he would get tired of it, but nope. He could have much worse habits, I must say. I can't get over how demanding babies are. Being a single lady in the city, I can't wrap my mind around this other person that needs your attention 24/7. Entire days have to be planned around feedings, naps, moods... not much room for spontaneity in there. Parents have a lot of patience. When a kid is screaming all the time, I would want to put him in the closet and go shopping. I don't think that's really an option though. Well, it's fun being an aunt. Not that being a parent isn't extremely rewarding, but I think I'll enjoy my freedom while I have it. My day may come.
Last week, for Thanksgiving, I went down to Richmond to John and Pat's place. A bunch of the WV portion of the family came out to meet us and we had a great time. I was nervous to fly on Thanksgiving day, especially with the new scanners and pat downs that are all the drama in the news, but I had no problems. In fact, the airport was like a ghost town when I left NY. Coming back was so early that I was barely aware of what was going on anyway.
Next week a gang of family is coming to New York and the week after that I will be heading to West Virginia for Christmas! I can't believe it's so soon! I need to do some Christmas shopping asap!
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