For a while now I have been thinking that I might want to get a new case for my clarinets. I have had the same one for some time and it wasn't new when I got it. It's seen some mileage. I started researching and thinking about what I might want to get to replace the old one. I have a
case cover that I really like with backpack straps that make it easy to carry around, so I thought I may just replace the inside case. When I found out that was just as expensive as replacing the whole thing I decided I could get whatever I wanted! I picked one by
BAM that is supposed to be lightweight and very protective. I pulled the trigger to the online store for all things woodwind and the next morning it was on its way to a new home.
My apartment isn't very good for receiving packages because if I am not home (which is usually the case) there is no place for UPS or the post office to leave a large package. It ends up sitting at the post office until I can get there during business hours, which is difficult for me to do. I've completely missed packages in the past and they have been sent back! No good. So these days I have everything delivered to work. All week I anticipated the arrival of my new clarinet case (and a few other accessories I ordered). Of course it arrives on Friday...the first day of my weekend...the one day I actually was home and could have received a delivery. Oh well, that's just the way it goes.
I don't live very close to the office, so I decided not to go retrieve my goodies over the weekend. The suspense would make it even better, right? After waiting, I was excited to get to work this afternoon! And even more excited to get home and try it out!

Once I got home, I opened up my box like it was Christmas and tried it out. My case has that new car smell to it. So fun. I feel a little bit, well, a lot, dorky that I get super excited about a clarinet case, but hey, that's my thing! Anyway - "Claire" is snug and cozy in her new home and hanging out in my little practice area until I get home tomorrow and can make music with her. We both look forward to taking the new case out for a real spin soon!
Christmas in August - or - Christmas music in July....
You never seem to get your seasons in order. Just Enjoy.
Christmas year-round!
cute! I like to see the Mozart lurking... we will never escape, will we? Enjoy!
The Mozart will always be there. That's the same copy I started using back at UT. That baby's going on 10 years! So many contradicting instructions scratched all over it. :)
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