Happy New Year!!!
I got to spend this New Years eve with several of my closest friends. We gathered from across the eastern U.S. in Bloomington, Indiana.
This year, we weren't able to "watch the ball drop", but we had our own countdown. Most of us being frustrated musicians, we wanted to drop a clarinet (from a serious height) to bring in the new year, but had to settle for burning a reed - I was able to donate one to the cause. May the sacrifice bring a year of good reeds!
At the close of one year, I like to look back at some of the highlights of the year behind me. 2007 was a different kind of year for me - not marked by new degrees on my wall or career advancements, but was special because of the smaller things, which may prove to be even more important. In 2007 I enjoyed spending lots of time with my family - something I have not been able to do in a long time. I enjoyed endless cups of coffee over good conversations, with an occasional donut to keep it interesting. I enjoyed traveling. I saw the wonders of Yosemite National Park in California and Denali National Park in Alaska. I also had many good meals in 2007! I loved trying new restaurants in different cities, as well as feasting in familiar places and trying new recipes at home. And I must not forget my newest accomplishment and interest: sewing! A year ago I had a machine and not a clue on what to do with it. I have now learned how to sew and was able to make gifts for other people this past Christmas!
I am looking forward to what 2008 has in store for me. I hope it is filled with beautiful days, each full of its own simple delights. I look forward to improving myself and my current abilities while also learning about new things and finding new interests. I hope to find myself with old friends and in new places. Amidst it all, I'm sure I will find time for a little shopping and a few coffee breaks here and there.
It was so good to start the year with you, Megan! Earlier in 2007 I feared that we would all go our separate ways and that all of our memory making would end. Boy was I wrong! Ha! Happy New Year! :)
Despite the rough times this past year, I want to thank you for all the wonderful memories we shared. Out with old....de-do
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