Before Chrismas gets too far away I want to post pictures of some handmade gifts I gave this year. Giving handmade gifts this year was fun because I was able to personalize the gifts to fit the person. I enjoyed putting the thought into it and was excited on Christmas morning to see the reactions the gifts got.
First I made this purse for Stacy:

I used the same pattern as my
corderoy purse that she liked. I really like the material in the lining and she has a green coat I thought it would match nicely.

I also made a purse for Mom. It was

fun to make one for her because she taught me how to sew and this would be my first project that she couldn't help me at all on (because I wanted it to be a surprise). I bought the fabric in DC and had to work on it in secret - like after she went to bed or when she was running errands. It was the first purse I made without a pattern and it was a good experience. A few things did not work exactly as I had hoped so I had to modify and adapt, but I am pleased with the final product. Mom was shocked that I had pulled it off without her suspecting a thing and she loves the bag - success!

Lastly, I did this cross-stitch verse for Ben and Jen. Since they are newly married and moving to a new place I figured they could use something to hang on their walls! After sewing a lot, cross-stitch seems to take forever to finish! I had it framed at a place in town and I am happy with the outcome. They both seemed to like it and I'm sure it will find a nice home in Montana.