Well - I have discovered that I am already getting in trouble for not posting enough on my blog! There is no rest around here! So I am taking this opportunity (during a practice break) to write a little bit about my summer. I guess this is a good time to reflect on the summer since it is also the last day of August and I always associate the start of September as the beginning of fall (regardless of the ACTUAL start of fall... of course, the hot temperatures around here show no signs of fall..hmmm...)
Anyway, I really had a great summer. I was fortunate to be able to travel to several places around the country, including California and Alaska. I was able to visit new places and see new things. Have new adventures, I could say.
One adventure I had this summer was something that I have been around my whole life and it happens practically in my backyard, but I never ever imagined myself doing it. Yes - I went white water rafting on the New River! I was sort of talked into it, and sort of volunteered to go. I was horrified when I learned I had been misled and the Lower New was not the floating family cruise that I thought, but filled with Category 5 rapids!!! And when I was told how the water would suck me under when I fell out of the raft - I didn't know about this after all. BUT - I gathered up my nerves, grabbed a life vest, a paddle, and a helmet and in I went!
1 comment:
You and your Blog have enriched my summer. Enjoy life to the fullest - we only go this way once.
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