The main reason I have been so busy is that I took the big plunge! I am now the proud owner of a full time job! Yikes! I am a working woman with a salary and benefits and the whole sha-bang. But I have to put in the hours to get all this stuff. I've been trying out this new lifestyle for two weeks now. I think it's ironic that only a day or so after my blog post where I mentioned how life is so interesting and you really never know where it will go - I am offered a full time position. I didn't even know one was going to be available. I am still at the Met Opera, in the same department, but now doing administrative work, which is much more up my alley.
In addition to the full time work, our season at the Met opened this week! I attended opening night festivities on Monday. I got all dressed up in the trusty black dress and went in to see the brand new production of Tosca. It was all kinds of scandal and drama...which is appropriate for the genre. Some people hated the production, which took a different approach to a standard opera. The curtain call was filled with booing. I heard screams of "Go back to Europe!" being directed at the stage. Ahhh... so fun. The following days have been filled with opinionated reviews from everyone from the New York Times and the Nightly News to random people in my office. Everyone seems to be an expert. Personally I had a splendid night and enjoyed myself immensely, and that's what matters to me...not that there weren't some things I would change about the production...but still. Besides, we must remember that the majority of the art that is most esteemed today was greatly criticized when it was first presented to the public. Again - who knows what the future holds.